Horizon Therapeutic Bodyworks

Massage & Reiki Treatments {Specializing in Chair or Table Massage Parties}

Benefits of Massage & Reiki

Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress-related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. Massage and Reiki are effective tools for managing this stress, which translates into:

  • Decreased anxiety.
  • Enhanced sleep quality.
  • Greater energy.
  • Improved concentration.
  • Increased circulation.
  • Reduced fatigue.

Benefits of Massage:

Generally, massage is known to affect the circulation of blood and the flow of lymph, reduce muscular tension or flaccidity, stimulate or sedate the nervous system and enhance tissue healing. These effects provide a number of therapeutic benefits:

* Reduction of muscle tension, stiffness and spasms

* Greater flexibility and range of motion

* Relief of stress and aids in relaxation

* Promotion of deeper and easier breathing

* Improvement of the circulation of blood and movement of lymph

* Relief of tension-related conditions, such as headaches and eyestrain

* Promotion of faster healing of soft tissue injuries, such as pulled muscles and sprained ligaments

* Reduction of the formation of excessive scar tissue following soft tissue injuries

* Improvement in posture through changing tension patterns

* Feeling of well-being and self-awareness

* Reduction in levels of anxiety

* Enhanced athletic performance

Benefits of Reiki:

I have found that Reiki energy treatments seem to provide similar effects to that of a relaxation massage, and sedate the nervous system and enhance tissue healing. These effects have been explained to me as providing a number of therapeutic benefits:

* Relief of stress and aids in relaxation

* Promotion of deeper and easier breathing

* Relief of tension-related conditions, such as headaches and eyestrain

* Promotion of faster healing of soft tissue injuries, such as pulled muscles and sprained ligaments

* Improvement in posture through changing tension patterns

* Feeling of well-being and self-awareness

* Reduction in levels of anxiety

* Reduction in levels of pain caused by arthritis and gout

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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